
[APASL2011]Prevalence of Hepatitis B among the School Going Children in Mymensingh Regin2011-03-08
[APASL2011]Study on hepatitis viral infection among general population in Cambodia2011-03-08
[APASL2011]Clinical Presentations of Acute Flare in Chronic Hepatitis B:A Single Center Experience2011-02-28
HBeAg阳性HBV感染患者用PEG-IFN alpha-2a治疗期间血清HBsAg降低可以预测持久免疫控制及治疗后6个月HBsAg清除2010-05-24
Long-term Efficacy of Entecavir Therapy on Viral Suppression in Nucleoside-na ve2010-05-13
Liver Injury Induced by Repeated Use of Hair Dye2008-05-10
Effect of LPS-KC norepinephrine upon hepatic stellate cells in viral hepatitis2008-05-10
Global Alliance Vaccine Immunization(GAVI)for EPI Iulitasari2008-05-10