


Metabolic syndrome in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C2008-04-30

APASL consensus statements on ACLF2008-04-30

An Update On Cholangiocarcinoma 2008-04-30

Implications for the Use of Quantitative HBeAg as a Predictive Tool for Treatment Outcome2008-04-30

Current Challenges in Surgical Therapy of HCC Pr Jacques BELGHITI2008-04-29

Interferons,the Backbone of CHC Therapy:Today and Tomorrow2008-04-29

Improving Treatment Response in Chronic HCV2008-04-29

Bile acids enhance genotype 1 HCV replication2008-04-29

Improving Health-Related Quality of Life in CHC Patients: Can We Improve the Status Quo?2008-04-29

In Vitro Activity and Pharmacologic Properties of Two Novel Series of HCV Protease Inhibitors2008-04-29

New Direct Antivirals and Interferon:An Evolving Paradigm2008-04-29

Low level of resistance,low viral fitness and absence of resistance mutations2008-04-29

Role of progenitor cells in liver cancer 2008-04-29

Caner Stem Cells and Liver Caner Cell Biology of CSC 2008-04-29

rebavirin concentration at week four is an independend predictor for sustained virologital response 2008-04-25

Non-alcoholic Fatty liver disease(nafld)is associated with higher overall mortality2008-04-25

Strategies to overcome drug resistance in hepatitis C therapies2008-04-25




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