2024年10月17-19日,在这个金秋送爽、硕果累累的季节,第十八届国际肝癌协会(ILCA)年会如期召开。此次盛会吸引了全球众多顶尖专家学者,他们齐聚一堂,就肝癌的基础科学研究、筛查、诊断以及最新治疗进展等议题进行了深入交流与热烈讨论。在本次ILCA大会中,我们特别邀请了ILCA现任主席、英国伦敦大学学院皇家自由医院Tim Meyer教授进行专访。
Tim Meyer教授表示,ILCA大会作为一个跨学科的交流平台,始终以提升患者护理质量为核心目标,致力于推动肝癌研究的深入发展,为患者提供更加精准、有效的治疗方案,本次大会揭示了肝癌治疗领域的最新动态与发展方向。Tim Meyer教授强调,系统治疗、免疫治疗和局部区域治疗的有机结合正引领肝癌治疗走向新的高度,尤其是在延长患者无进展生存期方面取得了令人瞩目的成果。然而,面对肝细胞癌精准治疗的挑战,我们仍需持续探索与努力。
Q1 能否请您介绍一下本次ILCA大会的关键议题或亮点内容?
Tim Meyer主席:国际肝癌协会(ILCA)是一个备受瞩目的多学科协会,它汇聚了来自世界各地的专家学者,共同致力于肝癌的研究与治疗。作为一个跨学科的交流平台,ILCA的宗旨是吸引所有参与肝癌治疗的学科,包括外科学、内科学、放射学、病理学等等。通过促进不同学科之间的合作与交流,ILCA希望能够推动肝癌研究的深入发展,为患者提供更加全面、有效的治疗方案。
Q1: What is the theme of this ILCA conference? Are there any key topics or highlights that you particularly hope attendees will focus on?
Tim Meyer:ILCA is a multidisciplinary association, so we aim to appeal to all disciplines involved in the treatment of liver cancer, and those people who attend will get exposure to everything from basic science about liver cancer through to screening, diagnosis, as well as the latest treatments. I think, in terms of the theme, the basic message is that patients will get better care through multidisciplinary management.
Q2 在您看来,近些年肝癌研究领域取得了哪些重大突破?这些突破如何影响了临床实践?
Tim Meyer主席:我认为过去几年,在肝癌治疗领域,最主要的进展无疑体现在系统治疗方面。这一领域的突破为我们带来了全新的治疗策略,极大地改善了患者的预后。
Q2: What are some of the significant breakthroughs in liver cancer research that have been made in recent years? How have these breakthroughs impacted clinical practice?
Tim Meyer:I guess the major advances in the past few years have been in systemic therapy. So, for many years, we had tyrosine kinase inhibitors, first sorafenib and then lenvatinib. In more recent years, we've also had combination therapy with immunotherapy, and this has really improved response rates and improved survival. Those are now being incorporated into earlier-stage disease with locoregional therapy, as well as surgery, although the data is still quite immature, and we need further follow-up.
Q3 通过本次大会上的分享和交流,您认为将对肝癌的未来治疗产生哪些深远影响?
Tim Meyer主席:我认为,过去12个月里,肝癌治疗的研究取得了显著进展。其中,系统治疗、免疫治疗和局部区域治疗的结合尤为引人注目,这种综合治疗模式在无进展生存期方面取得了鼓舞人心的结果。然而,我们仍需谨慎,因为目前的数据主要集中在无进展生存期,总生存期的数据尚待成熟。
Q3: Which studies or presentations at this conference do you believe will have a profound impact on the future treatment of liver cancer?
Tim Meyer:I think we've seen, probably, that in the last 12 months, the most interesting studies have been a combination of systemic therapy, immunotherapy with locoregional therapy, which have shown encouraging results in terms of progression-free survival, but we need to wait for more mature data with overall survival. There was a lot of interest in adjuvant immunotherapy, and the initial signals looked promising, but we've subsequently learned that those trials have become less encouraging, so there is still work to be done in terms of developing effective adjuvant therapy.
Q4 随着精准医疗和个性化治疗的发展,肝癌治疗领域面临哪些新的挑战和机遇?
Tim Meyer主席:我认为肝癌的治疗因类型而异。对于肝细胞癌,这是最为常见的一种肝癌类型,其治疗面临着一些挑战。截至目前,我们尚未发现任何具有可操作性的、能够明确指导治疗的基因突变或分子层面的变化。
Q4: With the advancement of precision medicine and personalized treatment, what new challenges and opportunities does the field of liver cancer treatment face?
Tim Meyer:I think it depends on what type of liver cancer you're talking about. With hepatocellular carcinoma, which is the most common type of cancer, we don't have any actionable mutations or molecular changes to guide therapy. However, in cholangiocarcinoma, there are actionable mutations for which there are approved drugs. So precision oncology is certainly there for cholangiocarcinoma, but not for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Q5 对于年轻的肝癌研究者或临床医生,您有什么建议或鼓励,以帮助他们在这个领域取得更大的成就?
Tim Meyer主席:我认为肝癌是癌症研究领域中极具前景且充满挑战的一个分支,当前该领域的研究活动十分活跃,并已取得了诸多令人瞩目的科学进展。因此,我诚挚地鼓励年轻的研究人员积极参与到肝癌的研究工作中,共同努力以进一步提升患者的治疗效果。值得注意的是,肝癌目前仍然是全球范围内导致癌症相关死亡的主要原因之一,且其预后相较于其他类型的癌症而言依然较为严峻。故而,为了有效改善肝癌患者的预后状况,我们仍需付出大量的努力,开展更为深入的研究工作。
Q5: For young liver cancer researchers or clinicians, do you have any advice or words of encouragement to help them achieve greater success in this field?
Tim Meyer:I think liver cancer is one of the most exciting areas of cancer research, and there's a huge amount going on, there's great progress happening, and so I would encourage young investigators to get involved with research in liver cancer and help us to improve outcomes. Liver cancer remains one of the highest causes of cancer-related mortality globally, and it still has some of the worst outcomes for all cancers, so there's a huge amount of work to be done to improve prognosis.