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——  作者:    时间:2023-12-27 10:37:02    阅读数: 29

新加坡国立大学医院助理教授Daniel Q Huang在NAFLD/MASLD领域有颇多建树,他在2023年美国肝病研究学会年会(AASLD2023)上交流了团队诸多相关研究新进展。美国西达赛奈医学中心消化科杨毅辉(Yee Hui Yeo)博士在该领域亦有诸多探索和发现。《国际肝病》特邀两位青年专家就NAFLD/MASLD筛查诊断、新药研发等热点问题进行对话,相关内容分享如下。
Daniel Q Huang
图1. NAFLD家族风险评分[1]
杨毅辉(Yee Hui Yeo)
<Hepatology Digest>: At the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease, you introduced the latest research progress of the NAFLD Familial Risk Score developed by your team. Could you please talk about the main research results and its significance?
Daniel Q Huang: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)-related fibrosis is heritable, but it is unclear how family history may be used to identify first-degree relatives with advanced fibrosis. We aimed to develop and validate a simple risk score to identify first-degree relatives of probands who have undergone assessment of liver fibrosis who are at higher risk of NAFLD with fibrosis.
To develop this score, what we did was we leverage on two prospective unique formula cohorts (derivation, validation). We assess liver fibrosis status in all participants by either MRI or elastography. We identify key factors that were associated with advanced fibrosis.
Importantly, in this score, we found that family history is a major component of the risk of advanced fibrosis in first-degree relatives. So, we devised a very simple score comprising of age, diabetes status, obesity, and family history that we hope can easily identify first-degree relatives of people who already are going to have advanced fibrosis that are higher risk themselves.
Yee Hui Yeo: I would like to emphasize that this family score is really important and the finding is timely. The main reason is that our previous analysis shows that the overall prevalence of MASLD currently, even in 2020, the modeling shows that it's almost 39% and is forecast to be almost 55% in 2040. And there are just so many undiagnosed cases around with more scores like this. It will help to identify those who are undiagnosed.
This is a relatively feasible, actionable way to identify or capture patients with undiagnosed MASLD, given that they got this referral from family members. Definitely, this is a pragmatic way for us to practice as a political provider.
Daniel Q Huang
杨毅辉(Yee Hui Yeo)
<Hepatology Digest>: The number of patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease in Asia is increasing year by year, and more effective noninvasive diagnostic methods are urgently needed for clinical use. From the perspective of scientific research, how do you see the opportunities and challenges of noninvasive diagnosis? More promising research directions?
Daniel Q Huang: That's a great area of unmet need. I think, in the last 1 or 2 years, the AASLD and the AGA have provided guidance in terms of how we might risk stratify such patients, but especially those with metabolic risk factors.
I think in Asia, we do need to validate these pathways specifically by starting with big four and then stratifying further by last pathography. I think though this is an area that we still need improvement on, because there are many drawbacks of such approaches, there will be participant patients that are classified routinely. Those advanced versus might have a little bit for or vice versa. So, I think this is an area of unmet need.
Our group is working on MRI based strategies. But at the same time, we are also concerned that such strategies may not be widely available for the general population. So I think other blood based biomarkers are key and essential. And this is an area that we hope to have more results in the next 1 or 2 years.
Yee Hui Yeo: 
I really want to second what Doctor Huang just mentioned about the usability and some of the challenges that we have. Currently, some of the biomarkers of MAFLD are not routinely tested. So, we need to think about some of the more accessible strategies and also to help to increase the accuracy, especially when it comes to Asian audiences or Asian patients. 
Then we need to think about the prevalence when, in the background, there are a lot of people with a concomitant variety of infections. In that case, for example, for the most recent AASLD guideline of steatotic liver disease, viral hepatitis infections are included in that definition. However, we do not clearly know what their roles are or the interplay between the virus infection and the existence of metabolic syndrome among all these patients with imaging-proven steatotic liver disease. 
There is future potential for more research in terms of using the noninvasive test to diagnose MASLD. And we're looking forward more work from Dr Huang really.
Daniel Q Huang
图2. T2DM与无T2DM者的累积LSM进展比较[2]
杨毅辉(Yee Hui Yeo)
<Hepatology Digest>: What factors do you think can predict the progression of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease?
Daniel Q Huang: Great question. If we, so I think one major determinant of progression is the presence of type two diabetes. In one of our recent works, we have shown that among patients with type two diabetes, these patients have a significantly faster progression rate of fibrosis compared to those without T2DM.
And in a poster that we presented yesterday, we also found that a higher HbA1c is significantly associated with faster progression of liver stiffness compared to participants with a lower HbA1c. So, I think while there are many determinants of fibrosis progression, including genetics, HbA1c, diabetes, and glycemic control is certainly one major area to focus on.
Yee Hui Yeo: Fully agree. That is an important study that used a sequential biopsy to prove the mechanism of disease and the existence of a true NAFLD among patients with diabetes. I think back in Asian patients, we have metabolic syndrome, hepatitis infection and alcohol-related liver disease. How we decipher the role of some other risk factors and how they can predict the progression is important. For example, I would focus more on the modifiable risk factor, say, HbA1c, the control of a metabolic syndrome, nutrition, and physical exercise will be important.
Daniel Q Huang
杨毅辉(Yee Hui Yeo)
<Hepatology Digest>: What's your comment on this modifiable risk factor?
Daniel Q Huang: Great question. If I think there are so many modifiable risk factors, I think one important determinant actually will be wait. I think if participants or patients are able to lose weight, it doesn't necessarily need to be 10 % of the body weight, because that is unachievable for most of our patients. But even one kg 2 kilograms any bit, I think I feel helps in the long run. And beyond that, I think modifying our diet of our patients is also really important, especially cutting down in terms of high fructose containing drinks and foods essential.
Yee Hui Yeo: Right. Speaking about weight, there are several well-known medications that are approved for weight control, like semaglutide and liraglutide (GLP-1 receptor agonists), are found to have potential to control NAFLD, MASLD, NASH/MASH.
Daniel Q Huang
杨毅辉(Yee Hui Yeo)
<Hepatology Digest>: What's the potential for these medications?
Daniel Q Huang: I think these are exciting times inward. At this point time, these new medications, such as GLP-1 against, they have not been specifically approved for NASH, but in our patients with type 2 diabetes or obesity and who have NASH at the same time, I think we are increasingly seeing more and more evidence that these new agents may be useful for natural resolution or advanced fibrosis regression.
So, I'm really hopeful that as more of the trials come out, and we have more data that at least some of these medications will be approved. I think at this point in time, it's probably more of a wait and see approach, but I’m hopeful for the near future.
Yee Hui Yeo:  for sure. Yeah, again, these are medications that have been used for diabetes for quite a long time. And hopefully, this can help with, again, the accessibility of the medication in the future when it is approved by the FDA.
Daniel Q Huang
杨毅辉(Yee Hui Yeo)
<Hepatology Digest>: Is there any effective strategy for the clinical treatment and management of MASLD in Singapore? And any other challenge of problems remained to be resolved?
Daniel Q Huang: Great question. MASLD is certainly a big problem in Singapore and same as the rest of Asia. In fact, in the last decade, we have seen a huge swing away from hepatitis B, do what's more MASLD, our transplant clinics are full of patients now with MASLD and HCC. And I think there are major issues that we have to tackle one by one. One of them actually is a poor awareness of MASLD in general in Singapore.
I think a lot of education is to be done both to the general population as well as have health care providers. We need to work more closely with our partners from other specialties, public health officials, endocrinologist. I think one area that we can potentially look into doing is implementing some form of screening for MASLD. I think the AASLD and AGA revised guidelines, guidance is a useful starting point. But we do need to tailor these cut points and the various guidance from AASLD or AGA to our local population in southeast Asia.
Yee Hui Yeo: Definitely. Totally appreciate your points in terms of recalibrating the cut-off for this test. And also, it's important as well for the multidisciplinary care of these patients. And back in the United States, we face a similar situation. There are still a lot of people  being undiagnosed and also from some preliminary data, the first time when MASLD-related cirrhosis or  MASLD-related HCC are diagnosed, the patients already show decompensated cirrhosis.
So, unlike the patients with viral hepatitis, who are being followed for a long time, or at least patients who are aware of a liver disease such as those with alcohol-related disease, patients with MASLD are more unlikely to be aware of their disease status. Thus, we must promote the awareness of the risk of metabolic syndrome towards liver health.
Daniel Q Huang
杨毅辉(Yee Hui Yeo)
<Hepatology Digest>: Are there any other last comments to this session?
Daniel Q Huang: All right. I fully agree with the important issues that you raise. I think MASLD is now such a large problem. And it's, I think the various countries in Asia are facing it. So, I think we really need stronger collaboration above between countries and within each country to really tackle this problem. I think we are at the cusp of like a turning point where, if we do not use this time to effectively educate our population and institute nationwide strategies to tackle NAFLD, we will suffer the consequences downstream. So, I think this is an area of great need and urgency.
Yee Hui Yeo: Fully agree. I hope that the forecast modeling that we made for 2040 can be overturned so that it won't happen in the future.
[1] Huang DQ, Ahlholm N, Luukkonen P, et al. Development and validation of the NAFLD familial risk score to detect advanced fibrosis: a prospective, multicenter study. AASLD 2023. Oral 236.
[2] Huang DQ, Wilson L, Amangurbanova M, et al. Liver stiffness progression in biopsy-proven nonalcoholic fatty liver disease among people with diabetes versus people without diabetes: a multicenter study. AASLD 2023. Poster 2067-A.
[3] Tamaki N, Wakabayashi S, Kimura T, et al. Glycemic control target associated with a lower risk of liver-related and cardiovascular events in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. AASLD 2023. Poster 2182-A.
Daniel Q Huang
美国洛杉矶Cedars-Sinai(西达赛奈)医院消化科在训。毕业于中国台湾国防医学院、牛津大学,博士后研究师从斯坦福大学Mindie Nguyen教授。专注于肝病领域的流行病学、临床医学以及机器学习的研究。2019年获美国肝病学会颁Emerging Liver Scholar。以第一和通讯作者发表在JAMA Oncology、Journal of Hepatology、Gastroenterology、Gut、Hepatology、AJG等100篇文章,引用4204次。

