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——  作者:    时间:2023-06-29 11:00:23    阅读数: 10

第58届欧洲肝脏研究学会年会(EASL2023)暨2023年EASL大会(EASL Congress 2023)上,法国巴黎大学、Beaujon医院Tarik Asselah教授出席“Extrahepatic malignancies in viral hepatitis - who needs screening”专家面对面专题会议,就病毒性肝炎患者肝外肿瘤的管理相关热点问题进行了讨论。《国际肝病》特邀Tarik Asselah教授介绍病毒性肝炎患者的肝外肿瘤管理进展。
Tarik Asselah教授:我们建议所有患有肝硬化和乙型或丙型病毒性肝炎的患者每六个月进行超声筛查,以便及早检测出原发性肝癌,这样便于提供后续相应的治疗方法。
We propose for all patients with cirrhosis and viral hepatitis, hep B or hep C to screen with ultrasound each six months to detect early epitocarcinoma because we can then propose a curative therapy.
Tarik Asselah教授:目前已经明确了乙型和丙型肝炎与某些淋巴瘤存在关联,主要是与病毒复制和持续炎症有关。这是一种罕见的恶性肿瘤。通常在治愈病毒后,淋巴瘤的状况会有所改善。其他肿瘤不常见
What is well established is some lymphoma with hep C and hep B, and they are linked to the viral replication, the ongoing inflammation. It's rare malignancy. However, it's demonstrated that it's associated and usually when you cure the virus, you improve this lymphoma. Other tumors are less frequent.
Tarik Asselah教授:我们目前尚未提出针对这一人群的筛查策略。
We are not proposing screening strategy for this population.
Tarik Asselah教授:我认为这对于某些特定的淋巴瘤,控制病毒复制非常重要。例如,与丙型肝炎相关的低级别淋巴瘤,如果治好丙型肝炎则可以改善甚至治愈这种淋巴瘤。但这是非常特定的淋巴瘤。另外,我认为对于乙型肝炎还有一个重要的信息,因为乙型肝炎在亚洲、非洲是一个比较严重的问题。罹患乙型肝炎的肝癌患者接受化疗会有乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)再激活的风险,因此我们提议采取预防性治疗以避免HBV的再激活。
I think it's very important for some specific lymphoma. For example, for low grade lymphoma associated with hep C. If you cure hep C, you improve and you cure from this lymphoma. But it's very specific lymphoma. I think also one other important message for hep B, because we know hep B is a major concern in Asia, in Africa, if a patient had hep B and you go for a chemotherapy, there's a risk of reactivation, and then we propose preventive treatments to avoid HBV reactivation.

