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EASL专访丨英国Helen Reeves教授:NASH与肝外肿瘤的趋势、风险与进展
——  作者:    时间:2022-07-03 11:29:52    阅读数: 25

第57届欧洲肝病研究学会年会(EASL2022)暨2022年国际肝脏大会TM(ILC 2022)上,英国纽卡斯尔大学Helen Reeves教授在“NASH治疗及新药对肝外表现的影响 ”专题会上发表了“NASH和肝外肿瘤”的讲演。《国际肝病》有幸在现场采访了Helen Reeves教授,围绕HCC与中性粒细胞、NAFLD与HCC的全球/亚洲趋势、NASH相关HCC的危险因素、NASH对肿瘤治疗影响相关进展等话题进行阐述。
Helen Reeves教授
: As deaths from hepatocellular carcinoma rise, understanding the tumour-immune axis is key. Elevated circulating neutrophils associate with poor survival in many cancers,including HCC. Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms and consequences of changes in neutrophil numbers and behaviour may aid novel therapeutic strategies. We noticed that you have posted a poster presentation about “hepatocellular carcinoma and neutrophils”could you please tell us your opinion on clinical indications of that study?
Prof. Reeves: We are talking about neutrophils, which are the commonest white blood cell in the circulation. We know that lymphocytes, which are the other white blood cell, are the ones that have the typical anti-cancer properties, but there have been many studies over the years in numerous different types of cancers that have shown that elevated neutrophils, or an elevated neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio, is associated with a poorer prognosis in patients with liver cancer. Neutrophils are such short-lived cells that nobody had really thought that they had a particular functional role, and that it is just more to do with the lymphocytes, because they live a little bit longer and have the potential to actually kill the cancer cells.
What we did was a rather large study a few years ago now, where we had a large population of patients from Newcastle in the north-east, but also some patients from Hong Kong, totaling 1600 patients with different etiologies and different levels of chronic liver disease. In that large study, we were able to show that in both the cohorts of patients from East and West, neutrophils were the most important white cell that predicted poorer outcome. They were associated with more advanced tumor stage. They were associated with cancer cachexia. In some patients, it is actually their poor fitness and weight loss that is the limiting factor for a curative therapy or a palliative therapy. So not only did we think that neutrophils were driving the progression of a cancer, they were driving the response to the cancer, and limiting the therapeutic options.
We wanted to study not just neutrophil numbers, but we wanted to study neutrophils in the tumors themselves. We wanted to study the phenotype of neutrophils. Were all neutrophils the same? Were the neutrophils in the circulation the same as the neutrophils in the tumors and the tissues? And in doing that, we wanted to come up with strategies whereby we could retain the anti-tumor properties of neutrophils. They are the first responders to something abnormal. If we could have neutrophils attacking cancer cells but not promoting the progression of cancer or making our patients less fit for therapy, we would be able to perhaps exploit those properties for therapeutic benefit.
The poster here is just characterizing neutrophils in tissues, in tumors, in the peri-tumor tissues, and correlating that with what goes on in the blood. What is the phenotype that is associated with the elevation in the circulation that is associated with a poorer prognosis? And then looking a little bit at the associations with things that cause the elevation in the circulation and the poorer phenotype in the cancers. Work that actually hasn’t been presented here, but has been recently published, has shown that neutrophils are probably part of the immunosuppressive environment that stops the checkpoint inhibitors that target T-cells working. There is a possibility that if you combine a checkpoint inhibitor that blocks the PD-1/PD-L1 axis with a chemokine inhibitor of neutrophils, we might be able to increase the responses of patients to immunotherapies.
It is a very rapidly changing field, which hopefully I will be able to talk to you about again at future congresses.
Helen Reeves教授
我们在2014年一篇发表于《肝脏病学杂志》(Journal of Hepatology)的文章里表明,在2000年左右,NAFLD相关的HCC甚至还未被承认,而如今,它是我所在的英国北部肝癌最常见的原因。从那时起,这不仅是英格兰北部或是西部的问题。一直有这样的假设,即亚洲的病毒性肝炎是肝病和肝细胞癌的主要原因。从某种程度上来说,确实如此。但NAFLD与肥胖有关,而肥胖是全球流行病,所以现在有非常明确的数据显示,在世界各地,NAFLD相关HCC的发病率都在增加。我们还不确定如何在所有患者群体中进行有效监测和筛查,更不用说不断增长的NAFLD人群了。希望未来几年这种情况会有所改变。
: We have noticed that you will make a presentation on updated epidemiology and surveillance for NAFLD-HCC and are interested in global/Asian trends and challenges of this. Will you walk us through about it?
Prof. Reeves: I think probably the best thing is to come to the session tomorrow, because there is a lot of epidemiology data, and then different international Societies’ Guidelines on how to address surveillance in their different populations. We’ve shown that in the last 10-15 years, NAFLD-HCC wasn’t even a recognized entity in the year 2000, and is now the commonest cause of liver cancer in the north of England where I am from. That was a paper that was published in the Journal of Hepatology in 2014. Since then, it isn’t just a problem in the north of England where I am from, and it isn’t just a problem of the West. There has always been this assumption that it is viral hepatitis in Asia that is the major cause of liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. To a certain extent, that is true. But NAFLD is associated with obesity, which is a global epidemic, so now there is very clear data showing that all over the world, there is this increase in the incidence of NAFLD-associated HCC. We haven’t got the answers for how to perform effective surveillance and screening in any patient population, never mind the NAFLD population that is growing. Hopefully, that will change in the coming years.
Helen Reeves教授
: We have already known that NASH is associated with an increased risk of developing certain extra‐hepatic cancers including several gastro-intestinal cancers, as well as breast and gynecological cancers. It is currently uncertain which is the magnitude of this cancer risk amongst individuals with NASH. Could you please describe the characteristics of individuals with increased risk of extra‐hepatic cancers and share your opinion with us on How might it impact on clinical practice in the foreseeable future?
Prof. Reeves: The thing is that the patients who develop NASH-associated HCC are older patients with metabolic syndrome. They are obese. They often have type 2 diabetes. They are often treated with insulin, for example. These are things that each elevate the risk of all cancers, not just hepatocellular cancer. As the patients age, they might drink a bit of alcohol, they might smoke - again, these are all things that elevate cancer risk. Trying to work out how much extra risk there is attributed to the patient having NAFLD is a little bit hard. In the studies that have been done, it is very clear that the major risk is for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. The risk of developing other cancers over and above all of those things I have mentioned in the general population, is actually relatively small.
I don’t think we are reaching the point where we have to perform colonoscopies in all of our NAFLD patients, because they they have a tiny elevated risk of developing colorectal cancer. We are not there yet. What is more important for me, I think, is to try to understand the risk, because there is the potential to intervene and delay the development of cancers. There is an opportunity for prevention that we miss if we don’t understand the biology. But I don’t think there is going to be an impact on surveillance for different types of cancers above and beyond what the general population gets at the moment.
Helen Reeves教授
你刚才提到的研究是德国癌症研究中心Mathias Heikenwalder小组的一项研究。他们认为,T细胞监视在NASH患者中并没有以正确的方式发生,NASH患者体内环境改变了T细胞功能。这可能对于患癌至关重要,也可能影响对靶向T细胞免疫检查点的免疫疗法的反应能力。NASH患者对这些治疗的反应较弱,仍然有反应,但可能不会像非NASH-HCC患者那样强烈。
我认为我们需要搞清楚一些事,这样我们就可以更恰当地调整治疗方案或采取联合治疗,也许联合一种抑制中性粒细胞的趋化因子抑制剂。这是我们的兴趣所在。但我认为真正关键的是,这些只是尚未真正完成的临床试验的亚分析。Mathias Heikenwalder论文中关于生物学的动物模型是非常好的,但很难将其应用于人体,因为人体试验还没有能力回答这些问题。
: We believe that further research is needed to explain the complex relationship between NASH and HCC/ extrahepatic cancers development as well as the impact of NASH itself on cancer treatment. For example, a German study published on Nature in 2021 discovered that NASH limits anti-tumour surveillance in immunotherapy-treated HCC. Would you share with us the most lated progresses or your own thoughts on it?
Prof. Reeves: That’s a study from Mathias Heikenwalder’s group. They are suggesting that the T-cells, which are the cells that should be going around picking off tumor cells (the T-cell surveillance), and that doesn’t happen in the right way in patients with NASH. Something about the NASH environment changes the T-cell functionality. That is something that may be important for the development of a cancer, but it is also something that possibly impacts the ability to respond to the immunotherapies that target the T-cell checkpoint. It appears that patients with NASH are less responsive to those treatments. They do still respond, but perhaps not as dramatically as the patient with the non-NASH HCC.
I think that there is something there for us to understand so we can modify therapy or the combination of therapies more appropriately, perhaps in combination with a chemokine inhibitor, which inhibits neutrophils. That is what we are interested in. But I think the real take-home message is that these are sub-analyses of clinical trials that have not really been done. The animal models in Mathias Heikenwalder’s paper looking at the biology were very nice studies, but it is difficult to apply that to a human situation, when the human trials have not been powered to answer those kinds of questions.
I would say, that for the human studies, the combination therapies with atezolizumab/bevacizumab, which is now first-line in many countries, and the checkpoint inhibitors, which in some countries are still approved first-line therapies, work in all etiologies, possibly less so in patients with NAFLD-HCC, or a smaller proportion of patients respond, but they are a heck of a lot better than anything we have had before.
So we don’t want to not use those therapies in that subgroup of patients. The way that we treat patients might change in the future with different combinations for different etiologies, but at the moment, we use the best we have got, and that is the same regardless of etiology.

