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EASL专访丨Harry Janssen教授:如何预防免疫治疗患者的乙型/丙型肝炎再激活?
——  作者:    时间:2021-07-07 03:13:49    阅读数: 25

编者按:近年来,免疫疗法已经彻底改变了许多癌症的治疗方法,免疫检查点抑制剂处方不断增加。越来越多的病毒性肝炎患者可能在免疫抑制或免疫调节之前或期间接受抗病毒治疗。接受免疫调节治疗的病毒性肝炎患者的管理成为临床热点问题 。
第56届欧洲肝脏研究学会年会(EASL2021)暨国际肝脏会议TM(ILC2021)特别设置“从检查点阻断到免疫抑制剂:病毒性肝炎患者的免疫调节剂管理”专题,《国际肝病》有幸邀请到论坛主席、加拿大多伦多总医院肝病科主任、加拿大多伦多大学医学教授Harry Janssen博士为我们介绍这部分患者的治疗或预防策略。

Harry Janssen教授:免疫干预药物有两类,刺激免疫系统类和抑制免疫系统类。
: In recent years, immunotherapy has revolutionized changed the treatment of many cancers, and prescriptions for immune checkpoint inhibitors are increasing. More and more patients with viral hepatitis may receive antiviral therapy before or during immunosuppression or immunomodulation. 
Could you please introduce the current common immune interventions and how do they interact with the hepatitis virus?
Prof. Harry Janssen: There are two types of interventions I would say. There are drugs that stimulate the immune system; and there are drugs that suppress the immune system. If I start with the latter. The immunosuppressive drugs are typically the drugs that are given in the field of oncology and immunology (rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis etc.), such as chemotherapy and those types of drugs, which suppress the immune system. There, you have to be afraid that the hepatitis B virus in particular, can increase replication with reactivation of disease. Typically, if those drugs are very strong, then we treat hepatitis B with antiviral drugs to keep the viral load low and to prevent them from reactivating. 
The other group of drugs are immune stimulatory drugs such as the checkpoint inhibitors. Those are drugs that revitalize the immune system to treat cancers for instance, and these have other side effects, such as inflammation in specific organs including the liver due to autoimmunity (colitis, hepatitis, thyroiditis, pneumonitis – all different types of inflammation in specific organs). If this happens in the liver, that occurs regardless of having hepatitis B or C or not. These compounds don’t really reactivate the hepatitis B or C virus that much, but can cause other liver problems in the form of autoimmunity. 
So the immunosuppressive drugs typically lead to a reactivation of the viruses, and for that reason, inflammation of the liver and hepatitis; whereas the checkpoint inhibitors, the immune stimulatory drugs, cause hepatitis regardless of the presence of hepatitis B or C. In that sense, they are quite different and interact with the liver in a different way.
Harry Janssen教授:很难弄清楚免疫检查点抑制剂是否会重新激活乙型肝炎,或者是否会因为药物本身的毒性而导致 ALT骤升。因此,以乙肝为例,我们通常做的是在免疫调节药物治疗前和治疗期间密切关注HBV病毒载量。如果我们看到病毒升高、肝炎活动,则表明或至少暗示乙型或丙型肝炎因免疫调节药物而重新激活。
:  As we all know, hepatitis B virus (HBV) can be reactivated in patients undergoing immunosuppression for cancer or non-cancer related diseases, and there is also a risk of reactivation in patients who are treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI). 
For these chronic HBV patients who use immunomodulators, how should we monitor them and when should we intervene?
Prof. Harry Janssen: I have already given the answer to a certain extent. It is very difficult to tease out whether an immune checkpoint inhibitor gives a reactivation of hepatitis B, or whether it gives an ALT flare because of the toxicity of the drug itself. So what we typically do is look at the viral load for hepatitis B, for instance, very carefully before treatment and during treatment with immune modulating drugs. If we see that the virus goes up and there is an activation, it is indicative, or at least suggestive, of hepatitis B or C reactivation due to the immune modifying drug. 
But that is not always a common phenomenon. The virus may even go down. Checkpoint inhibitors are also used to treat hepatitis B and in trying to get a cure. So it is not the case that the virus will go up in most of the patients treated with checkpoint inhibitors. For instance, checkpoint inhibitors are given to patients with liver cancer who have hepatitis B, and in 5-10% of cases, HBsAg losses occur with the checkpoint inhibitors due to reactivation of HBV-specific T cells. 
So a way to tease out whether this is a toxicity of the drug or reactivation of the virus is to measure the virus or viral proteins before starting treatment, and measure again once there is inflammation in the liver. That may likely give an answer whether it is the viral reactivation of the hepatitis B or C, or whether it is a drug-induced liver injury. 
Harry Janssen教授:对于免疫抑制剂,它实际上取决于免疫抑制的强度。如果是非常强的免疫抑制药物,特别是作用于B细胞的药物,比如抗CD20药物(例如利妥昔单抗),我们对所有感染HBV的患者都给予抗HBV治疗,即使是既往感染并恢复的患者(抗-HBc阳性但HBsAg阴性)。这些药物的作用非常强,对B细胞的抑制程度可使抗体消失,从而导致疾病复发。 
对于接受其他强免疫抑制剂治疗,例如大剂量泼尼松(>40 mg),我们通常也会给予HBsAg阴性、抗-HBc阳性患者抗病毒治疗,以预防病毒性肝炎复发。
但是,如果患者只接受低强度的免疫抑制治疗,例如5 mg泼尼松或局部使用皮质类固醇或低剂量硫唑嘌呤,我们通常会等待并观察,因为如果只是曾经罹患乙型肝炎而目前无乙型肝炎,疾病复发的可能性非常低。我们会观察这些患者,并随着时间的推移定期测量HBsAg或HBV DNA,如果这些指标呈阳性,再给予患者治疗。这取决于疾病的活跃程度。
: Generally speaking, how do we provide treatment or prevention strategies for patients with viral hepatitis using immunomodulators?
Prof. Harry Janssen: For the immunosuppressive agents, it depends really on the strength of the immunosuppression. If it is a very strong immunosuppressive drug, which particularly affects the B-cells, like the anti-CD20 drugs such as rituximab, we give antiviral therapy against hepatitis B for all patients, even patients who have had hepatitis B in the past so are anti-HBc positive but HBsAg-negative. These drugs are so strong that they really inhibit B-cells in such a way that antibodies are disappearing and disease comes back. We also typically treat anti-HBc-positive patients who are HBsAg-negative getting other highly immunosuppressive therapy (high doses of prednisone >40mg) to prevent the disease flaring up. 
If you get just a tiny bit of immune suppression, like 5mg of prednisone or a topical delivery of corticosteroids or low dose Imuran (azathioprine), we typically wait and observe because the likelihood of disease relapse is very low if you do not have hepatitis B but have had hepatitis B in the past. We then thus watch these patients and regularly measure HBsAg or HBV DNA over time, and if they become positive, we treat them. It depends on how active the disease is. 
With hepatitis C, it is a bit different. Hepatitis C does not integrate into the host genome. We try to treat these patients before they receive treatment with these kinds of compounds, but we can even treat patients during immune suppression. It iseasier to treat, I would say.

