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APASL特邀 | β-受体阻滞剂、他汀类药物治疗门静脉高压症的最前沿--访Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao教授
——  作者:    时间:2020-03-06 06:53:54    阅读数: 180

第29届亚太肝病学会年会(APASL2020)召开期间,美国耶鲁大学Guadalupe Garcia Tsao教授应大会邀请,介绍了门静脉高压症治疗的最前沿进展,包括目前在研、指南尚未纳入的策略。
Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao教授所在团队是全球门静脉高压临床实践和学术研究的发源地之一,是全球门静脉高压领域发展的代表之一。《国际肝病》前方记者有幸采访到Garcia-Tsao教授,访谈内容记录如下,供读者参考。
Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao
<Hepatology Digest>: What are the main indications and contraindications of non-selective beta-blockers in patients with cirrhosis?
Dr Garcia-Tsao: Beta-blockers are perhaps the most important medication that we have for portal hypertension at this time. In the patient who has compensated cirrhosis, it has recently been shown that beta-blockers can actually prevent decompensation and variceal hemorrhage, as well as ascites, the most common complicating event. Where there are high-risk varices, beta-blockers have been shown to decrease the rate of first variceal hemorrhage, and because they act on the pathophysiology of portal hypertension by reducing portal pressure, they are a much more rational therapy than ligating those varices as a local therapy, for example. In the setting of a patient who has bled, once bleeding has resolved and TIPs was not used during the acute variceal hemorrhage, beta-blockers are the key component of combination therapy to prevent repeat bleeding episodes. The indications are: any patient with cirrhosis, compensated or decompensated; with or without varices; and patients who have bled from varices. The contraindications are where a patient gets hypotensive on the beta-blocker. Also where a patient has asthma (exacerbated by beta-blockers), and patients already with a low heart rate (resulting in syncope or other cardiovascular symptoms in the presence of beta-blockers).
然而,对于黄疸或失代偿患者,每日应用40 mg或更高剂量的辛伐他汀治疗,与横纹肌溶解显著相关,这种情况并非真正的肝毒性,而是骨骼肌的损伤,这些患者会因为横纹肌溶解而引起肾功能衰竭。因此,对这些患者必须加以谨慎。
<Hepatology Digest>: In your presentation, you raised the topic of statins in portal hypertension, and suggested they should be used with caution. Can you talk about that?
Dr Garcia-Tsao: In general, statins act on a separate plane to beta-blockers. Beta-blockers act by decreasing flow. Statins act by decreasing intrahepatic recesses. Therefore the use of statins plus beta-blockers has a cumulative effect because they act at different levels. Statins in the compensated patient are safe; they do not produce hepatotoxicity. In fact, in patients with NASH, by controlling hyperlipidemia, they improve aminotransferase levels. However, in jaundiced or decompensated patients, doses of 40mg or more of simvastatin have been associated with significant rhabdomyolysis. It is not really hepatotoxicity, but causing damage to muscle. So these patients can get into trouble with kidney failure from the rhabdomyolysis. We have to be cautious in these patients, and we need to wait for the outcomes of trials to see which groups of patients with cirrhosis are going to be candidates for statins.

