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——  作者:    时间:2019-04-13 06:25:33    阅读数: 304

在第54届欧洲肝脏研究学会年会(EASL2019)的继续教育课程中,前AASLD主席、美国耶鲁大学Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao教授详细剖析了抗生素在肝硬化患者中的应用,包括在哪些情况下应该使用抗生素、使用哪种抗生素以及剂量等。演讲结束后,Garcia-Tsao教授接受了《国际肝病》的采访,就“预防性抗生素治疗”发表了她的见解。
<Hepatology Digest>: You used a very quotable phrase in your talk today at EASL 2109 in Vienna. You said that, “doctors should be good stewards of antibiotics”. Can you define that for us?
Dr Garcia-Tsao: The problem we are now having, not only in hepatology, but in general, is the emergence of micro-organisms that are resistant to our most common antibiotics. As physicians, we all have to practice antibiotic stewardship where we are very cognizant of the risk factors of creating these organisms when treating them with antibiotics. Administering antibiotics to anybody and everybody can generate multi-drug resistant organisms, so one of the main issues is being sure that the patient is infected before commencing antibiotic therapy. Then the correct antibiotic needs to be selected, and provided at the proper time, of a short course duration, and that it is effective. This is part of what antibiotic stewardship is about.
<Hepatology Digest>: In the discussion today, there was talk about prophylactic antibiotics, and you stated you were not a fan of that.
Dr Garcia-Tsao: Correct. This is my own opinion. Many guidelines outline prophylaxis. Firstly, prophylaxis can generate multi-drug resistant organisms, so I am a proponent of finding non-antibiotic ways of preventing infections, such as by changing the gut microbiome. My research is directed towards this and the avoidance of antibiotic usage. Now that we do have multi-drug resistant organisms, prophylaxis will not work on those pathogens, so I am wary of using antibiotic prophylaxis. There are certain settings, GI hemorrhage, for example, where short-course antibiotics while the patient is bleeding is justified to prevent infections. But for primary prophylaxis of infections (where there is no prior infection and you want to prevent infection), that is where I have my greatest qualms, because in my mind, these patients really don’t require antibiotic prophylaxis. Use has not been demonstrated to improve survival of patients, and at the end of the day, this is what we need to show – an improvement in survival. Secondary prophylaxis has also not been shown to improve survival, but nevertheless, it makes sense that if a patient has been previously infected, a second infection can be prevented. In my mind, the people who should receive prophylactic antibiotics are those at the top of the transplant list and are about to be transplanted who have criteria that make them prone to infections. They should receive short-term antibiotics.
<Hepatology Digest>: You mentioned the gut microbiome as a non-antibiotic treatment. Can you expand on that?
Dr Garcia-Tsao: Different approaches have been tried for this, using bile acids to change the microbiome, or fecal transplants, or using probiotics and prebiotics to modify the gut flora and prevent translocation. We have not been very successful so far, but I think research efforts should head in that direction.
<Hepatology Digest>: Specifically in cirrhosis patients where antibiotics need to be used, which antibiotics are your choice?
Dr Garcia-Tsao: As I said in my lecture, that depends on where the patient has come from. If a patient is coming with a spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) from the community or their home and have never seen an antibiotic, then I would probably start a third-generation cephalosporin. If the patient, on the other hand, has acquired the infection while in hospital or has recently been discharged or received previous antibiotics, then you need to start with something much broader like a piperacillin-tazobactam.

