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EASL访谈 | WHO全球肝炎项目负责人Bulterys教授谈中国病毒性肝炎防治问题
——  作者:    时间:2018-04-18 03:42:29    阅读数: 177

编者按:第53届欧洲肝脏研究学会(EASL)年会召开期间,世界卫生组织(WHO)全球肝炎项目负责人Marc Bulterys教授在EASL-WHO联合论坛中就丙型肝炎的防治给出了最新WHO指南建议,并于会后就肝炎患者的饮酒问题及如何降低我国肝炎发病率和死亡率等问题接受了《国际肝病》记者的采访,相关内容整理如下。
Prof Bulterys: Hepatitis B and C contribute a large proportion of all the cirrhosis cases and hepatocellular carcinoma in the world. About 20% are due to hepatitis C, and about 45% due to hepatitis B. Of the remainder, many are due to a high intake of alcohol. The important point is that there is actually interaction between viral infection and high alcohol intake in causing hepatocellular carcinoma. It is important to realize that if someone is infected with either hepatitis B or hepatitis C, it is very important to reduce alcohol intake, and ideally to prevent any alcohol intake at all. If a patient continues with a very high alcohol intake, the risk of progression to hepatocellular carcinoma is much higher. Liver cancer is a very significant cancer in China. It is the second largest cancer for men, and third largest for women. It is essential to realize that alcohol intake, particularly if at a very high level, is very dangerous for the liver. It is even more dangerous if you have a chronic infection with one of the two main viral infections, hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Once someone has developed cirrhosis, stopping drinking is no longer to help the situation. There was data presented at this conference from a clinical trial showing that it is not really possible to reduce hepatocellular carcinoma by that stage. It is too late once someone has cirrhosis to be reducing alcohol intake to incur any benefit. People need to be very aware of this interaction.
Prof Bulterys: I work for the World Health Organization, so from my perspective, the treatments for hepatitis B and hepatitis C are still continually improving. Better and better treatments are becoming available. This is really important in China because around 90 million people there are chronically infected with hepatitis B and about 10 million with hepatitis C. Around 100 million people in total are infected with hepatitis viruses. As treatments improve, we have to make sure that those treatments also become available to this population. We can greatly reduce the progression of hepatitis B by treating with one of two drugs that are now WHO approved and part of our WHO Guidelines - tenofovir or entecavir. Tenofovir is becoming more readily available now in China at a much lower cost because it is now a generic drug. A number of companies in China are producing tenofovir. It is feasible to greatly reduce mortality and morbidity due to chronic hepatitis B infection. For the ten million people infected with hepatitis C, drugs are becoming more available with generic drugs through India, but now that China is considered an upper middle income country, China should consider negotiating directly with companies, similar to what Australia and England have done, to get a good price. What Australia has done has basically negotiated for five years of treatment for the entire population that is affected (250000 people). China could similarly negotiate a much better price by negotiating for all of the people who are infected and to treat one million people per year, for instance.

