——  作者:    时间:2017-08-07     阅读数: 254

编者按:“第七届全国脂肪性肝病学术会议暨2017 CSH-AASLD脂肪性肝病联合学术会议”召开期间,AASLD主席、美国密歇根大学卫生系统Anna S.F.LOK教授在“诊断”专题中发表了题为“NAFLD肥胖及内脏肥胖的评价”的报告。会后,本刊有幸采访到LOK教授,请她介绍肥胖和内脏肥胖的定义、内脏肥胖的诊断、非肥胖脂肪肝患者的鉴别诊断。
Anna S.F.LOK教授在采访中指出,肥胖取决于体质量指数(BMI),有不同的截止值。对于高加索人,BMI>30被视为肥胖;对于亚洲人群,BMI为27~28通常被作为肥胖定义。然而,我们也认识到,肥胖症者的脂肪可能分布在全身不同部位,其中向心性肥胖更为重要。向心性肥胖通常依据腰围进行判断,亚洲人群的常规截止值为女性80cm、男性88~90cm;对于高加索人群,通常推荐更高的截止值。如果想进一步评估内脏肥胖,过程更为复杂,通常需要借助影像学检查,如DXA扫描、CT扫描或MRI。
Obesityis determined by body mass index (BMI). There are different cut-offs. In Caucasian patient populations, a BMI >30 is considered to be obese. In Asian patients, a BMI of 27-28 is often used as a definition of obesity. However, we recognize that people who are obese may carry fat in different parts of the body. It is central obesity that is more important. Central obesity is usually measured by waist circumference, and for Asians, the general cutoffs are 80cm for a woman and 88-90cm for a man. Higher cutoffs are generally recommended for Caucasians. If we want to measure visceral adiposity, it is more complicated and generally requires radiology, such as a DXA scan, a CT scan or MRI.
As I mentioned, it is easier to assess central obesity as defined by just a waist circumference, which can be done in clinical practice. But if we really want to assess visceral adiposity, which requires that we define the visceral compartment, then we require imaging. That is not always available clinically, as we do not normally do DXA scans or CT scans or MRI on our patients. These are more clinical research tools than clinical diagnostic tools at this stage.
If we have a patient with normal BMI yet they have fatty liver, it is possible that even though they have a normal BMI, they can have increased visceral adiposity. These are what we call the lean NAFLD patients. But fat in the liver can also be because of alcohol - people with excessive alcohol consumption can have fatty liver. So, fatty liver is not always NAFLD, because it can be because of alcohol as well. There are certain medications that can also cause fat in the liver. And there are also people with a genetic predisposition that increases the risk of fatty liver, which means they don’t necessarily have to be obese.

标签: 访谈 脂肪肝

