——  作者:    时间:2017-08-07     阅读数: 151

编者按:“第七届全国脂肪性肝病学术会议暨2017 CSH-AASLD脂肪性肝病联合学术会议”召开期间,香港中文大学黄炜燊(Vincent W.S. WONG)教授在“流行病学”专题中介绍了瘦者NAFLD的最新知识点,会后本刊邀就相关问题采访了黄教授。
Prof.Wong: In the past, we often thought that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease was only a disease of the obese population. But in recent years, we have recognized that this is not the case. In different studies, around 10-20% of people with a relatively normal body mass index (<25) will still have NAFLD.
Prof.Wong:In routine clinical practice, we usually do simple investigations first, including liver biochemistry and abdominal ultrasonography. On an ultrasound scan, a patient with a fatty liver would have bright liver echo texture and deep attenuation of the structures, so the diagnosis is quite similar to that of the obese population. At the same time, we also need to rule out other liver diseases, such as chronic viral hepatitis.
Prof.Wong:If a patient develops NAFLD despite a relatively normal BMI, there is usually a reason. That reason is usually the presence of other metabolic factors such as high blood sugar levels, dyslipidemia and also central obesity. Moreover, we should not only look at the metabolic profile at the present but also the changes over time. In many patients with lean NAFLD, they will have shown recent weight gains, so this is important to look into as well. We also know that some patients will carry the at-risk allele, PNPLA3, which is the genetic predisposition for fatty liver. Those patients may also develop fatty liver despite a relatively normal BMI.

标签: 访谈 脂肪肝

