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——  作者:F.Nevens    时间:2017-04-23 06:54:11    阅读数: 359

编者按:第52届欧洲肝脏研究学会(EASL)年会期间,“Critical reflection on landmark papers 2016”专题围绕4篇具有里程碑意义的论文展开辩论,比利时鲁汶大学Frederik Nevens教授代表POISE研究团队,就2016年发表于《新英格兰医学杂志》的“A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Obeticholic Acid in Primary Biliary Cholangitis”一文发表观点。会后,本刊邀请Nevens教授介绍相关研究进展。
“obeticholic acid is a very strong FXR agonist which means it is a much more powerful drug for getting rid of the toxic bile acids inside the liver.”
“We have partially overcome the problem of pruritus by starting with lower doses and then increasing dosage if necessary.”
Nevens教授研究团队发现,从较低剂量(5 mg)开始,根据需求将剂量递增至10 mg。结果发现,约50%的患者在6个月后需要增量至10 mg;如此一年后,瘙痒引起的停药率仅为1%;长期随访发现,瘙痒引起的停药率仅为2%左右。所以,已经可以部分地克服瘙痒问题:以低剂量开始治疗,根据需求增加剂量,同时允许在治疗基线时就出现瘙痒症状的患者服用药物(如糖皮质激素)。
“In the phase II study, we could prove that we could significantly reduce the ALP in patients receiving norUDCA.”
First-line treatment for primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), a cholestatic liver disease, is ursodeoxycholic acid (urso). The problem is that in around 40% of patients, there is a poor response. If they do not respond well, they are at risk (50% after 15 years) for the development of major liver-linked complications, such as ascites and hepatic encephalopathy. So there is an urgent requirement for second-line treatment for this disease. Over the last couple of years, obeticholic acid has been developed, and where patients do not respond well to ursodeoxycholic acid, using obeticholic acid produces a response in around 50% of those patients. The difference between the drugs is that obeticholic acid is a very strong FXR agonist which means it is a much more powerful drug for getting rid of the toxic bile acids inside the liver. Bile acids in the liver are the main cause of toxicity in these patients. Additionally, FXR agonists have other beneficial effects including being antifibrotic, anti-inflammatory, perhaps anti-atherosclerotic, and for the absorption of toxic compounds from the gut. So this drug has a much broader spectrum of action than ursodeoxycholic acid.
One of the main problems (aside from liver-related issues) for patients with PBC is pruritus. From the trial, 60% of patients had pruritus at baseline. We know from the phase II studies that obeticholic acid has beneficial effects on alkaline phosphatase, which is a very good surrogate marker for the final outcome of patients. But the problem arose that at higher doses, pruritus occurs. Most patients already have pruritus at the onset of treatment. The design of the current trial aims to overcome that problem. We found that by starting with lower doses (5mg) and then increasing the dose to 10mg if necessary (which was found to be necessary in around 50% of patients after six months), the dropout rate due to pruritus after one year was only 1%. Also, during long-term follow-up, we can see that the dropout rate due to pruritus is only around 2%. So, in this trial, we have partially overcome the problem of pruritus by starting with lower doses and then increasing dosage if necessary, and allowing patients with pruritus at baseline to take medication such as corticosteroids.
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is another cholestatic liver disease, which mostly affects young males with associated inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease. Unfortunately, there are no good medications at present for this disease. Many use ursodeoxycholic acid, but that has been shown to not improve the long-term outcomes for these patients. Recently, I was a co-author of a study where we studied the positive effects of nor-ursodeoxycholic acid (norUrso), another form of ursodeoxycholic acid. In the phase II study, we could prove that we could significantly reduce the ALP in patients receiving norUrso, and consequently, a phase III study will start soon hopefully to prove the positive effects we observed in the phase II study.

