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[APASL巅峰对话]贾继东教授与Michael Manns教授:DAA药物相互作用的管理
——  作者:    时间:2017-03-10 05:15:40    阅读数: 1125

     随着多项直接作用抗病毒药物(DAA)治疗我国丙型肝炎患者的临床试验数据陆续公布,DAA走入我国临床、服务患者的日子也进入了倒计时阶段。在APASL2017召开之际,《国际肝病》特组织国内外肝病领域权威专家,交流国内外在丙型肝炎的疾病特征、治疗模式和未来发展的认识和经验。本期为您带来首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院贾继东教授与德国汉诺威医学院Michael Manns教授有关DAA与其他药物间相互作用的管理。
  Michael Manns教授:曾任德国胃肠病学学会主席、德国肝病学会主席,德国内科学会主席,2007年荣获欧洲肝脏研究学会(EASL)成就奖
  In some areas of the world, particularly Japan and Europe, the hepatitis C population is ageing. In Germany, for example, many of the infections occurred in the 1960s,70s and 80s through blood transfusions, until de novo infections via blood and blood products were stopped in 1990 due to blood bank screening. These patients are now in their 60s and 70s and more and have concomitant diseases requiring cholesterol lowering drugs, antihypertensive drugs, antidiabetic drugs and drugs for arrhythmias.
  In China, the major route of HCV transmission was blood transfusion, but there are now other transmission routes. Similar to the Western countries, patients are also aging. In general though, our patients are not as old as those in Western countries - 40-60 years of age is the peak. And our older patients are fewer than in the West. But similarly, older patients with diabetes, hypertension and renal disease are common..
  贾继东教授:在应用聚乙二醇干扰素和利巴韦林的时代,共病确实影响抗HCV的治疗效果。但在DAA清除HCV RNA方面,共病本身似乎并无实质性的不利影响--无论患者是否患有肝硬化、合并肾脏疾病等。在我看来这似乎不是一个大问题。
  In the era of peg-interferon and ribavirin, comorbidities did affect the efficacy of antiviral therapy for HCV. Now it seems that thecomorbitities themselves do not negatively affect the efficacy of DAAs in HCV RNA clearance, whether the patient has cirrhosis or renal disease or other comorbidities. It does not seem to be a big issue.
  I must say, in China, one issue for the use of DAAs is concurrent use of herbal medicine, which is widely used and the safety data is not often available. We do not know what would happen if aherbal medicine is used together with the DAAs. It is also difficult, if not impossible, to check against online or other resources. This is a potential issue for Chinese patients where they are using DAAs as well as herbal medicine.
  Manns教授:DAA与其他药物DDI不像过去那么难以处理了。现有三类DAA:聚合酶抑制剂、NS5A抑制剂和蛋白酶抑制剂。一般而言,蛋白酶抑制剂的DDI问题最大,因为其通过细胞色素P450 3A4代谢,而这是很多其他药物(包括治疗高血压、高胆固醇血症的药物)的共同代谢途径。
  DDI is not as difficult as it was previously. There are the three classes of DAAs - the polymerase inhibitors, the NS5A inhibitors and the protease inhibitors. In general, the protease inhibitors have the biggest problems with DDIs because they are metabolized by cytochrome p450 3A4, like many of the other drugs we use for treating hypertension and cholesterol, for example.
  However, we can choose between these classes. Sometimes it is not only a class effect and we have to specifically look at the particular drug and, as Professor Jia mentioned, we can use the wonderful website from Liverpool University, which we all refer to. Once we know the specific drugs, we can look up the potential interactions.
  In addition, we are not only dealing with an ageing population and treating hypertension and arrhythmias, we also have patients who are co-infected with HIV and using HIV drugs, as well as transplant patients who are using immunosuppressive drugs. So in these cases as well, we have to look at the DAA that is given and what specific co-medication the patient is using.
  In general, if you have two drugs and they have the same route of metabolism, if exposure to one of the drugs is increased, for example, the exposure to the other drug is decreased. We have to assess if a potential toxicity can occur by increasing exposure to one or more drug.
  DAAs are not available right now in China, so we have little experience. Butwe can follow the guidelines and we need to clearly understand the metabolic pathways of the different DAAs. We need to know what other diseases patients are dealing with and what medications they are using.
  For that information, we can check the Liverpool website to see how the DAAs and many other medications will interact. But I wouldsay again, that Chinese patients who take herbal medicine should be very careful with DAAs because there is very little data available.
  Manns教授:最近报告,核苷类聚合酶抑制剂索磷布韦和一种抗心律失常药物之间可能发生特定的药物相互作用,但这是非常特殊的情况。除此之外,这个药物与其他药物发生DDI的情况非常少见。在应用蛋白酶抑制剂时,必须考虑其他药物是否通过细胞色素P450 3A4代谢的问题。但是通常情况下,我们总是可以选择其他药物的。现今有三类不同的DAAs可用,还有多种不同的联合治疗方案,与过去相比,DAA的药物相互作用问题变得容易多了,我们可以轻松管理患者。
  Very recently, there was a specific drug-drug interaction between the nucleoside polymerase inhibitor, sofosbuvir, and an anti-arrhythmic drug, but this was a very particular situation, and otherwise there are very few drug-drug interactions with that DAA. With the protease inhibitors, we have to consider the cytochrome P450 3A4 metabolism. But in general, we always have possibilities for alternatives, and if we are aware of this, we can easily manage the patient. Nowadays, with the various possibilities and the three different classes of drugs and various combinations, this is less of a problem than before.
  The above posting is sponsored by Gilead Sciences to support scientific and medical education, and with non-promotional intent.  The content was not reviewed prior to publication by Gilead Sciences.”  以上文章由吉利德科学公司赞助以支持科学及医学教育,且无推广意图。该文章内容发表前未经吉利德科学公司审阅。

