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——  作者:    时间:2016-02-22 04:07:03    阅读数: 156

Stephen Locarnini

  2016年2月20~24日,第25届亚太肝脏研究协会(APASL)年会在日本东京召开。22日下午,“Symposium 6:Novel Therapeutic Strategies for HBV”专题研讨会上,来自澳大利亚维多利亚感染性疾病参比实验室的Stephen Locarnini教授做了关于乙型肝炎固有免疫的主题演讲。《国际肝病》前方记者从大会现场发来报道。
  据Stephen Locarnini教授介绍,HBV通过很多途径来确保其在被感染宿主中持续存在,包括HBsAg产生过量和HBeAg过度表达。HBeAg是一个强大的固有免疫反应调节剂,通过下调Toll样受体(TLR),允许病毒在宿主体内持续存在。HBeAgN末端的10个氨基酸(前核心蛋白)包含一个Toll/interleukin-1受体(TIR)基序,不仅阻断TLR-2、而且阻断TLR-3、MAL,TRIF和TRAM的信号通路,从而抑制NF-κβ和干扰素(IFN)-β激活。同样,HBsAg抑制树突状细胞中TLR-9介导的激活和IFN-α的生成。因此,HBV可以有效抑制肝细胞中Ⅰ型干扰素反应。
  cccDNA作为一个微染色体,被发现仅存在于被感染的肝细胞中。HBcAg蛋白是微染色体的一个关键结构件和阳性调节器。IFN-α和淋巴毒素β激动剂可以激活APOBEC 3A/3B,结果导致胞苷脱氨酶激活,选择性(APOBEC-HBV核心交互作用)HBV cccDNA降解。
  Stephen Locarnini教授指出:“由于HBV通过逆转录方式进行基因复制,基因突变现象发生频繁。特定的选择压力,内源性(宿主免疫清除)和外源性(疫苗和抗病毒药物),容易选择这些发生变异的基因。因此,需要进一步的研究,以确定这些特殊的突变体,以及“野生型”HBV感染的发病机制和临床后遗症。”
Innate Immunity in Hepatitis B: Killer and Protector
  HBV has evolved a unique life cycle that results in the production of enormous viral loads as well
  as antigen loads during active replication without actually killing the infected cell directly, and the liver damage in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is the result of the host’s cellular immune response to HBVinfected hepatocytes as part of the “immune clearance” phase of the disease. This afternoon, Professor Stephen Locarnini from the Victorian Infectious Disease Reference Laboratory, North Melbourne, Australia will give a lecture on the topic of innate immunity in hepatitis B.
  HBV has developed a number of strategies to ensure its persistence in the infected host, including the production of excess HBsAg and the expression of HBeAg. The HBeAg is a powerful modulator of the innate immune response by downregulation of Toll-like receptors (TLR), allowing viral persistence within the host. The N-terminal 10 amino acids of the HBeAg (precore protein) contains a Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) motif, blocking not only TLR-2, but also TLR-3, Mal, TRIF and TRAM signaling, thereby inhibiting both NF-κβ and interferon (IFN)-β activation. Likewise, HBsAg inhibits TLR-9 mediated activation and IFN-α production in plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Thus, HBV could effectively suppress type I IFN responses in hepatocytes.
  The cccDNA is found only in infected hepatocytes and as a minichromosome. The HBcAg
  protein is a key structural component and positive regulator of the minichromosome. Both IFN-α and lymphotoxin β-agonists can activate APOBEC 3A/3B and results in selective (APOBEC-HBV core interaction) HBV cccDNA degradation following cytidine deamination.
  Because HBV uses reverse transcription to copy its genome, mutant viral genomes emerge frequently. Particular selection pressures, both endogenous (host immune clearance) and exogenous (vaccines and antiviral drugs), readily select out these escape variants. Therefore, further studies are needed to identify the pathogenesis and clinical sequelae arising from the selection of these particular mutants as well as to the “wild-type” HBV infections.
Symposium 6:Novel Therapeutic Strategies for HBV - "Innate Immunity in Hepatitis B"
14:10 - 14:30
Room 1BC

