——  作者:Kwang Hyub Han    时间:2014-12-18 12:27:47    阅读数: 694

       Hepatology Digest: Your team have done a lot of work on prognosis prediction of chronic liver disease using transient elastography(FibroScan), especially development of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC), and a LSM(Liver stiffness measurement)-based prediction model(LSPS) has been set up. So whether the current results have proved that FibroScan has advantage in predicting risk of HCC in patients with chronic liver disease? Compared to the Liver stiffness measurement (LSM),LSPS is a better tool for predicting the HCC risk?
  Prof. Han: Liver stiffness (LSM) value based on FibroScan can predict HCC development risk, but by using our prediction model (in which we add age and sex and viral load), we can predict more accurately the risk of HCC development. It is also easy to use for the clinician in making predictions.
  Hepatology Digest: For HCC risk prediction research, your researches mainly focus on what kind of liver disease? Whether FibroScan can be used in predicting risk of HCC in all cause liver disease patients?
  Prof. Han: In Korea, as well as China, chronic hepatitis B is a major problem, so I have been focusing mainly on hepatitis B. But I have also been working on HCV-related, fatty liver and alcohol-related disease. The model however mainly focuses on hepatitis B-related disease.
  Hepatology Digest:How long have your team used FibroScan?
  Prof. Han: I received a government grant for a nine-year project in 2005 focusing on liver cirrhosis and with that grant purchased a FibroScan unit for the first time in Asia. So we have been using FibroScan for more than nine years.
  Hepatology Digest:In addition to the HCC risk prediction, has your team also carried out the other studies on FibroScan?  Would you like introduce the main results?
  Prof. Han:FibroScan is a very useful screening tool but still not the perfect tool. We wanted to improve accuracy so have tested other markers. Recently, fatty liver has been increasing in incidence in Korea so along with FibroScan, we have a CAP score which measures fatty liver stiffness and is very useful.
  Hepatology Digest:In the clinical application of FibroScan, would you like share some experience with Chinese doctors?
  Prof. Han:There are many good papers from China now because China has a huge amount of patient data. Comparing Chinese and Korean data, the values seem to be higher in the Chinese data, so we should consider confounding factors that may be affecting FibroScan data. Chinese doctors should be careful when using FibroScan, especially in patients with high ALT levels. Also, in the past, we didn’t consider the difference between fasting measurements and after food, so we may need to focus on some clean data by being aware of confounding factors.

