- Experimental Study of Endocannabinoid AEA regulates the effect of norepinephrine upon hepatic stella
- Experimental Study of Endocannabinoid AEA regulates the effect of norepinephrine upon hepat… 【详细】
- 作者:发表时间:2008-05-10 16:42标签: 壁报展示 壁报展示 病毒性肝炎
- Effects of anandamide on the Release of norepine phrine neurotransmitter in mice liver Slices
- 【详细】
- 作者:发表时间:2008-05-10 16:32标签: 壁报展示 壁报展示 病毒性肝炎
- Construction of the miRNA expression plasmids of human fgl2,Fas and TNFRI genes and their effects in
- Construction of the miRNA expression plasmids of human fgl2,Fas and TNFRI genes and their e… 【详细】
- 作者:发表时间:2008-05-10 16:14标签: 壁报展示 壁报展示 病毒性肝炎
- CD4-CD8-T cells contribute to the persistence of MHV-3 induced chronie viral hepatitis
- CD4-CD8-T cells contribute to the persistence of MHV-3 induced chronie viral hepatitis 【详细】
- 作者:发表时间:2008-05-10 16:06标签: 壁报展示 壁报展示 病毒性肝炎
- HBV proteins Induce Activation of Hfgl2 Transcription through C-Ets-2 Transcription Factor and MAPK
- HBV proteins Induce Activation of Hfgl2 Transcription through C-Ets-2 Transcription Factor … 【详细】
- 作者:发表时间:2008-05-10 16:00标签: 壁报展示 壁报展示 乙肝
- A Study on Hepatitis E Virus(HEV)infection in Animals and Human in Suburbs of Beijing
- A Study on Hepatitis E Virus(HEV)infection in Animals and Human in Suburbs of Beijing 【详细】
- 作者:发表时间:2008-05-10 15:51标签: 壁报展示 壁报展示 病毒性肝炎
- HBV Genome Oncogenic Mutation Assay in Tumor and Paratumor Tissues from HCC Patients
- Peking University Health Science Center 【详细】
- 作者:发表时间:2008-05-10 15:37标签: 壁报展示 壁报展示 病毒性肝炎
- Early changes of hepatitis B virus quasispecies during Iamivudine treatment and its prediction for a
- The 2nd China-Indonesia Joint Symposium on Hepatobiliary Medicine and Surgery,Chongqing,Chi… 【详细】
- 作者:发表时间:2008-05-10 15:28标签: 壁报展示 壁报展示 病毒性肝炎
- Epidermal Growth Factor Gene Polymorphism and the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Peking University Health Science Center 【详细】
- 作者:发表时间:2008-05-10 15:20标签: 壁报展示 壁报展示 肝癌
- 贾继东教授在激情演讲
- 贾继东 【详细】
- 作者:贾继东发表时间:2008-05-10 12:20标签: 图片 图片新闻 其他肝病
- [AASLD2014]纵向分析HBsAg阴性慢性乙型肝炎患者五年血清学检测数据
- ABO血型不合肝移植疗效的综合评价及回顾性分析
- [AASLD2014]急性HBV感染痊愈数十年后患者体内几乎检测不到针对HBcAg的特异性CD8+T细胞
- [AASLD2014]sofosbuvir治疗相关HCV NS5B替代性突变——L159F和V321A
- [AASLD2014]SVR对肝移植、肝细胞肝癌、死亡、再感染等风险的影响:129个研究23 309例丙型肝炎患者的荟萃分析
- [AASLD2014]含sofosbuvir方案治疗丙型肝炎的疗效与安全性:真实世界不同人群纵向研究
- [AASLD2014]应用Trio网络评估含sofosbuvir和simeprevir的治疗方案对现实世界中学院及社区不同治疗人群的疗效
- [AASLD2014]基因1型初治丙型肝炎患者应用ledipasvir+sofosbuvir联合治疗后脑磁共振波谱及患者精神健康结果
- Nature:研究证实SARS病毒来源于中华菊头蝠
- 慢性丙型肝炎免疫重建方法研究